Category: Musings

man standing on stage facing an american flag

A Day of Remembrance

I wanted to take a moment to thank the many men and women who have served in our military. Thanks to them they have given me and everyone else the freedom to have free...

figurine of human skeleton sitting infront of computer

Some Days Are Just Bad Days

Some days it’s just not worth getting up. At least that is what I felt like last week when my computer suddenly decided to crash. Well, it didn’t fully crash on me, but the...

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a very hot and sexy New Year. Did you create your own erotic story last night at the stroke of midnight? I’d love to hear all about them, and maybe...

Tilton Diner entrance

New Hampshire

I just returned from a trip to New Hampshire where I was doing some personal visits and clearing my head a bit. I got to see the White Mountains and travel over to Vermont...

anonymous man with book in hand

What’s on a cover?

I was messaging with a bisexual man the other day who had purchased a few of my books in paperback format. Something he said to me made me think about how I design the...

woman in red long sleeve writing on chalk board

Where Do Ideas Come From?

I had the pleasure of having lunch with two new friends this weekend. We discussed many things as we got to know each other better. One of the subjects that came up was my...

person holding a happy new year text on a black board

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! Finally it is 2021, and I am excited to see where this new year will take all of us. What journey is in store for each and every one of...

analysis blackboard board bubble

Publishing Thoughts

A couple of people have asked me lately about why I publish individual stories, and then later publish a compilation of the same stories. The answer is simple really. I like to publish a...