Category: News / Updates

Male Bondings Volume 1 Cover Image two older men talking

Audio Books Now Available!

You might be wondering what I have been working on for the last few months. Well I have a few new titles that I am writing and putting together, along with a new longer...

Male Bonding's t-shirt from WarFX Designs

New T-Shirt available

Thank you to our friends at WarFX Designs for creating a t-shirt for our Male Bondings series of books. Check it out to support an independent author. Why not show off the literature that...

photo of christmas presents

Holiday Stories

What are you wishing to unwrap this holiday season? Are you being naughty or nice? I’m working on a few holiday-related stories, that will be published in time to read during those family get...

internet date calendar time

Facebook Page Now Live

My Facebook page is now up and running. The content, for the most part, will mirror this website. I will host chats and stuff on there over time. And you can add comments on...

news typewritten on white paper

August updates

Well, I have temporarily removed the newsletter. The provider I was using was not great and hard to get my templates looking the way I wanted. So I am currently testing a few new...