Aged Beef 2 Released!

Aged Beef 2 is the followup story to Aged Beef. I received a lot of good feedback on the new style of writing in the first story, so in this one I continue to write along those lines.
Following up on Aged Beef, Eric continues his chats with Hank. Hank orders his meat from the same butcher shop for years. He has always gone to Butcher Bill’s as they had the best selection and always fresh. They decide to visit the shop and order their new order. Bill comes out of the back and introduces Gusto his young apprentice to them. Bill and Gusto begin to talk in innuendos about fresh vs. aged sausage and the way the butcher encases them. Eric decides to make his move on Bill the Butcher, while Hank is determined to get to know Gusto much better. Lucky for them it’s almost closing time.
It’s time to find out what Bill the Butcher and Gusto are really like. And maybe we will get the answer to whether or not the fresh or aged sausage is better.